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3M Half mask "Comfort", silicone

3M Half mask "Comfort", silicone

Serial number Parameters In the storehouse Number Price
GNT7502 size - M, medium 0
By order
37.44 EUR
GNT7503 size - L, large 0
By order
37.44 EUR
GNT7501 size - S, Small 0
By order
37.44 EUR
This item is in the category Particle filter masks

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3M / FFP3 Comfort cartridge3M / FFP3 Comfort cartridge
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Cartridge ABEK1 Gāz u/ tvaiku filtrsCartridge ABEK1 Gāz u/ tvaiku filtrs
ABEK1 Gāzu/ tvaiku filtrs (organiski tvaiki, neorganiskās un skābās gāzes, amonjaks un devirāti)
Cartridge A1Cartridge A1


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