You are in   Catalogue > Urban Furniture > Road safety equipment > Salt / sand containers > Salt / Sand Container 70 / 150 / 250 L

Качественные и практичные садовые инструменты сочетающие в себе лучшие современные дизайн- технологии, в том числе, специальные конструкции лезвия и рукоятки. Благодаря усиленным креплениям инструменты отличаются повышенной износостойкостью, легкостью и надежностью. Самый большой акцент поставлен на прочность и обеспечение максимального удобства работы с инструментом "ARUNA"

Salt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 L
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Salt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 LSalt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 L
Salt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 LSalt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 L
Salt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 LSalt / Sand Container  70 / 150 / 250 L

Salt / Sand Container 70 / 150 / 250 L

Containers are made made of high quality polyethylene, which makes them resistant to weather conditions - they do not change colouring under the influence of solar radiation, they do not corrode, do not burst and they are light. Containers are available in three colors: yellow, blue and green. Available sizes: 70l, 150l, 250l. Possibility of installing locks system.
Serial number Parameters In the storehouse Number Price
MCR07-285 70L | 673 x 519 x 538 mm | MOQ 10 pcs 1
By order
94.00 EUR
MCR150-285 150L | 865 x 519 x 538 mm | MOQ 10 pcs 1
By order
124.00 EUR
MCR250-285 250L | 976 x 756 x 795 mm | MOQ 7 pcs 1
By order
194.00 EUR
MCR250-285-1 система блокировки (2 шт ) 1 8.05 EUR
This item is in the category Salt / sand containers

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Containers are made of high quality polyethylene, which makes them resistant to weather conditions - they do not change colouring under the influence of solar radiation, they do not corrode, do not burst and they are light. Containers are available in three colors: yellow, blue and green. Available sizes: 70l, 150l, 250l, 400l.
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Made of rock salt, coarse grain rock salt
Snow /Ice melter / ANTI ICE  - 30°C / Calcium Chloride, flakesSnow /Ice melter / ANTI ICE - 30°C / Calcium Chloride, flakes
Granules for fast and effective product for melting the ice and pressed snow. Calcium chloride acts quicker than traditional materials such as salt and sand. Calcium chloride is completely safe for plants and animals and completely biodegradable. It is extremely effective – 15-20 g of product removes ice from the area of 1m2. Quick and reliable ice and snow removal at the temperature of up to - 30°C. Does not leave any trace of shoes, pavements and other surfaces. It is recognized as a environmentally friendly product. Where Calcium Chloride can be used: Snow: icy and snowy roads, roofs, roads, car parks, pavements, railway platforms, stairs, driveways, runways, rainwater gutters and various types of equipment, prone to icing. BENEFITS: - comparing to the other ice melting materials, penetrates ice faster and deeper - does not leave any traces of the asphalt and pavement tiles - does not damage concrete - not toxic for people, animals and plants - ensures a lasting effect (up to 72 hrs) Allows to remove ice and snow quickly and easily!


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