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ARTEMO- Testrut is engaged in the retail and wholesale market for more than 70 years. Today we trade with an exclusive product assortment with over 7,500 items, which features by our own brands and designs. As a concept-oriented company we develop forward looking solutions for the domestic and international trade. In doing so the duration and quality of our customer relation comes to the fore.
(4 votes)


BESK ir starptautisks zīmols, kas cenšas nodrošināt patērētājus ar kvalitatīvu produkciju. BESK uzskata, ka cilvēkam, lietojot jebkuru produktu, jājūtas ērti un komfortabli un, lai produkti atvieglotu darbu un ļautu pilnvērtīgi atpūsties. Šis bija viens no galvenajiem iemesliem kāpēc BESK sāka produkta testēšanu un ražošanu. BESK zīmols ir radies 21 gs. Veidots speciāli Eiropas tirgum. BESK produkcija ir tendēta uz ES valstīm un galvenokārt uz Baltijas valstīm. Katrs produkts tiek ražots atbilstoši ES standartiem. BESK savus produktus izgatavo pēc augstākām tehnoloģijām. Pirms produkcijas masveida ražošanas, tas tiek pārbaudīts speciāli izveidotajās laboratorijās. Šīs pārbaudes ir ļoti nozīmīgas, jo BESK šādā veidā cenšas nodrošināt kvalitatīvas produkcijas nonākšanu tirgū un pārbaudītu to, vai šis produkts būs ērts patērētājam, jo viens no BESK mērķiem ir tas, lai patērētājam produkts būtu viegli lietojams un tā lietošana radītu komforta sajūtu. BESK produktu klāsts tiek papildināts katru dienu, līdz ar to ar katru dienu BESK atvieglo cilvēkam kāda darba izpildi.
(7 votes)


La GAV di Brendola (VI) produce raccorderia ed accessori per aria compressa ed aerografi dal 1974. Le caratteristiche che hanno reso possibile il riconoscimento e l'apprezzamento della GAV nel mercato, vanno ricercate nell'elevato livello tecnologico che si esprime in sperimentazioni ed innovazioni costanti. Inoltre la GAV vanta una produzione di grande serie in virtù di un processo produttivo completamente automatizzato tale da soddisfare, anche per grosse forniture, tempi di consegna ottimali. La gamma di modelli disponibili e allo stesso tempo l'accuratezza con cui è rifinito ogni singolo pezzo rappresentano per la GAV il punto d'incontro di ricerca, tecnologia, automazione e servizio.
(3 votes)


(2 votes)


The quality of Shinn Fu's products is recognized not only by customers worldwide, but also by international governments and industry agencies including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Australian Standards (AS). European Conformity (CE), Germany's Technical Inspection Association (TUV), and Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). Every Shinn Fu product is specifically designed and engineered to not only meet, but to exceed the industry standards set forth by these organizations.
(2 votes)


Germans Boada, S.A., RUBI®, has its origins in 1951 with the invention of a manual cutter for hydraulic mosaic work, created by the Boada brothers. This new tool had an excellent reception receiving a diploma of honour and the gold medal at the first national exhibition of inventions, held in Barcelona in 1953. The new tool, christened with the name of RUBI® served as a foundation pillar for this company which now designs, manufactures and distributes machinery and tools for the construction industry specialising in tile laying equipment and along with other building materials.
(2 votes)

Könner & Söhnen

(1 votes)


(1 votes)


TOP TOOLS is a range of basic hand tools designed for light renovation and finishing-decorative tasks. TOP TOOLS covers the simplest solutions for cutting, sawing, screwing, drilling, bending, driving nails, joining, measuring, plastering, glazing and panel flooring, small jobs with wood and metal. TOP TOOLS products are designed for small renovation jobs at home and allotments. We recommend TOP TOOLS to beginners in tinkering.
(3 votes)


Roteko Company deals with the production of plastics in rotary moulding technology. Innovative technical solutions in connection with the strong logistic support highly present the company as the reliable business partner. Rich offer of products is the answer for the current market trends. Offered products are characterized by the highest quality of workmanship and interesting design. We offer products manufacturing upon request as well as on customer-provided forms. Our contracting parties achieve the competitive predominance thanks to low costs of production, high efficiency of production lines and professional logistic base.
(2 votes)


(2 votes)

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